Despite the complexity of female physiology, babes don’t tend to mention it too often. It’s easy to spend our champagne brunches discussing girls’ nights out, celebrity relationships and other light topics. Yet, when it comes to discussing common bodily functions there rarely seems to be an opportune time, or enough bubbles, to dive deep into a conversation that would help to educate and empower.
Now PMS does get its fair share of airtime, usually when justifying subtweets, and there is the occasional sex tip that gets thrown into the mix. But a topic rarely spoken about is vaginal dryness. Like so many “women’s problems”, this common condition is clouded in myth and shame despite studies reporting that up to 55 percent of women experience it. It’s 2019 ladies, and about time we dispelled the rumours in the noble quest of better sex for all! Prepare to be surprised, amazed and relieved…
While applying lipstick or wearing heals seems to be instinctive, many women are a little lost when it comes to operating their most precious organ. As such, it’s only appropriate that as we begin this voyage into the moist unknown, we first need to understand what this so-called “wet” is and how it got there.
Many chalk up a women’s natural lubrication as a signal of arousal but it’s also an essential contributor to vaginal health. Glands near the cervix constantly release fluid, keeping the vagina supple and moist. This moisture is slightly acidic and aids in keeping the vagina clean, healthy and prevents infection.
When women are aroused during sexual stimulation, the blood vessels dilate sending blood flow to the genital area. This extra pressure cause the Bartholins glands, at the entrance of the vagina, to excrete fluids to prepare your #BabeBits for intercourse. This is most often when women notice vaginal dryness.
Our expectation for psychological arousal (“I want to have sex”) and physiological arousal (“I’m ready to have sex”) to coincide is too often hurried and left unmet. This is why so much emphasis is placed on foreplay as it gives the body a chance to catch up with our mind, our schedule and our deadlines. However, there are many factors that can slow or even inhibit this complex process that we too often use as the single gauge of sexual interest.
Before we delve into the many factors preventing vaginal lubrication, it’s important for women to learn how to identify whether or not their natural level of lubrication is wet enough. As a topic that sadly makes women feel embarrassed, ashamed or inadequate, many avoid the issue or deny that it’s something they may face. Too often, women unnecessarily justify discomfort as common or normal. Ladies, we urge you to:
1) understand there is nothing to be ashamed of, and
2) seek relief, now.
There is never a good reason to “grin-and-bear-it” and plenty of help out there if you’re willing to ask.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of our three part Lubrication Education. Next up we’ll be learning all about the very many factors that may cause vaginal dryness. Hint: age is just a number. Subscribe below and we’ll be sure to deliver it straight to your inbox. Until then, take care of yourself and your #BabeBits.
Bridget on Jan 09, 2020